Author: fdirse


A fresh look at risks for developing young-onset dementia

February 23, 2024

Dementia usually develops in people ages 65 years and older. So-called young-onset dementia, occurring in those younger than age 65, is uncommon. Now, a new study published in December 2023 in JAMA Neurology has identified 15 factors linked to a higher risk of young-onset dementia. Let’s see what they found, and — most importantly — […]


Plyometrics: Three explosive exercises even beginners can try

February 23, 2024

As a kid, I spent many Saturdays romping around my Florida neighborhood imitating Colonel Steve Austin, better known as The Six Million Dollar Man to avid TV watchers in the 1970s. The popular show featured a bionic man — half human and half machine — who could jump from three-story buildings, leap over six-foot-high walls, […]


New guidelines aim to screen millions more for lung cancer

February 23, 2024

Lung cancer kills more Americans than any other malignancy. The latest American Cancer Society (ACS) updated guidelines aim to reduce deaths by considerably expanding the pool of people who seek annual, low-dose CT lung screening scans. Advocates hope the new advice will prompt more people at risk for lung cancer to schedule yearly screening, says […]


Could men with advanced prostate cancer avoid chemotherapy?

February 23, 2024

When we think about radiation therapy, we typically picture treatments directed at tumors by a machine located outside the body. Now imagine a different scenario — one in which radioactive particles injected into the bloodstream find and destroy individual cancer cells, while leaving healthy cells unscathed. The drug One such “radioligand” is already available for […]


Winter hiking: Magical or miserable?

February 23, 2024

By midwinter, our urge to hibernate can start to feel constricting instead of cozy. What better antidote to being cooped up indoors than a bracing hike in the crisp air outdoors? Winter backdrops are stark, serene, and often stunning. With fewer people on the trail, you may spot more creatures out and about. And it’s […]


The art of a heartfelt apology

February 23, 2024

If you’ve been stuck mostly at home with one or more family members over the past year, chances are you’ve gotten on one another’s nerves occasionally. When you’re under a lot of stress, it’s not uncommon say something unkind, or even to lash out in anger to someone you care about. And we all make […]


Seeking fitspiration on social media?

February 23, 2024

Now that it’s 2024, perhaps you’ve thought about taking up a new exercise program, eating better, or some other ways to improve your health. That’s great! Or, as my grandfather would say, “there’s nothing wrong with that” — his highest possible praise. In fact, few medical treatments rival the massive health benefits of regular exercise. […]